Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

.Net Dynamic Card Control
System.Linq.Sql is a light weight set of extensions for System.Linq for making database operations on types that are not known at compile time.
Dynamic Scripting Language in C#
This is the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.
动态依赖项管理;为 Remote 提供支持;
String Utils
动态调用WebService动态调用地址 CodeDomProvider
A custom entities mapper that can give you a great control of your mapping scenarios
This is the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.
KendoGridFASM provides functionality for ASP.Net (MVC/Web API) to not only map the Data Source Request to C# DTO but also provides helper functionality that can be used to generate dynamic expressions for filtering, sorting and aggregation which again can be used to generate dynamic WHERE, ORDER BY ...
Crm Bulk Operations
Natasha 的运行时反解器模块
Dynamic form builder
The site extension provides an User Interface to update the Dynamic IP Restriction for App Services
Extensions for dynamic building of objects in dotnet core
Dynamic Scripting Language in C#
Wrapper rond de ongepubliceerde API van Buienradar. Verkrijgt alle data niet in de vorm van vaste objecten, maar eerder in de vorm van een Dynamic object.
Some extension methods for adding effectively properties dynamically to a JsonElement, it actually recreates a new JsonElement from the original plus the new property.