Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

Helper classes to make ViewModels less verbose. It provides a generic ViewModel class that automatically implements INotifyPropertyChanged, IEditableObject and INotifyDataErrorInfo for the wrapped object using Dynamic Proxy method. This class also facilitates configuring validation against some rule...
The seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
DuckObject a really simple duck typing framework based on DynamicObject.
A utility to automatically generate the wrapper class and return to you the wrapped object that implements your interface.
SqlServer 2008, 2012 and 2014 support for the seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
Runtime-customizable type and property descriptors.
DynamicConfig is a very simple to use configuration library based on the C# 4.0 dynamic feature.
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
An ExpandoObject that returns null instead of throwing an exception.
Dynamic forms engine for MVC which supports bootstrap.
It enables you to make dynamic filtered, sorted and paged IQueryables easily with .Filter() Extension Method. check out "Project Site" on Github for more details.
Simple set of arithmetic extensions. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
How many times have you compiled your C# code today? So many that you already forgot, right? Imagine if you could write code and you never had to compile a single change you do. You just ran the app and coded all along. Well, you can stop imagining, because that is a reality. ShapeFX its just that!...