Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

Leverage DLR for dynamically creating XML structure
Call SQl Database and Oracle like Entity Framework Code first and with normal and async methods - Call Select - Call Stored Procedure - Insert , Update and Delete
Dynamic flow generation from scheme Supported platforms: - .NET 4.5+ - ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Windows 8 - Portable Libraries (supporting Profile7)
A little library to call methods from a runtime array.
LinqDyn provides Linq extension methods for dynamic filtering and ordering
sql commander using dynamic serialize/deserialize via
Create dynamic classes at runtime.
Code for extending placeholders in sitecore to support dynamic keys
Generate An Api Result In Json Or Xml Format With A Single Anonymous Object.
A quick way to validate any model with lambda expressions.
A library that allows for creation of dynamic proxies that extend functionality of existing objects.
ayberkcanturk.Aspect is an aspect provider of a proxy between the woven class and the consumer.
Extension Library to Map Dynamic list of items to specific Entities
Dynamically create type helpers that use intermediate language to create new instances of a type and get and set properties.
Dynamic Controls
This is a free library.Create pdf without any long code.Just provide word docx sample.
DynamicPropertyAccessor allows you to set and get property values dynamically without the performance penalty of Reflection. DynamicPropertyAccessor performs around 300 to 400% faster than Reflection (please see performance test at project site).
Standardized cross platform library (cryptography, dynamic sql, JSON serializing and more.
Enables testing of BizTalk integrations with dynamic send ports