Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

C# Wrapper for the Motorola CoreScanner Driver. You will need to download and include the Motorola Core Scanner Driver to make this work.
Service bus implementation
Service bus implementation
An open source custom flexible logger for .NET apps, supporting text files, windows forms controls and more... Project URL:
Library package for the Dropmysite API
This package contains very useful extension functions for multiple types ie. : strings, IEnumerable,list,enum,datatable,IQueryble. For code overview, please visit project site.
.NET types extensions.
Build script which only purpose is to provide out of the box solution for building .NET projects, creating nuget packages and publishing packages
RoutePlanner Application by FHNW: Introduction to C# and .NET Framework
.net Extension Helpers
MVVMBlocks is an easy to use framework that allows you to easily implement the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in your Windows Store applications.
A build system that you can install via NuGet. It sets up hooks into the standard MSBuild files to provide a consisent command line and Visual Studio experience. It doesn't try to solve all your build problems. It just standardizes the code and provides a very simple extensibilty system. Name your f...
.NET Helper functions collection for reducing reinventing and better readable code
A .NET version of LibJpeg library made by Bit Miracle, forked by b9chris, updated by Tobias Schulz
Lightweight and fast inter-process communication IPC between two partners for .NET / .NETCore 2.0 / .NETStandard 2.0 / UWP. Based on Shared Memory. [512 bytes package in both directions] Remote async and sync calls with response (a la RPC), full-duplex, with the speed of 20 MB/s. Remote async call...
Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime redistributable package DLL's for Web based applications
.net logger
.net file logger
.net email logger
Common extensions for all Cextensions projects in .net