Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

XML Serialization util for serializing objects to and from objects, files and strings.
TCP/IP Communication Framework (TCP/IP CF) is a library that wraps the .NET Socket class and defines several classes for developing communication applications that use TCP/IP. TCP/IP CF defines asynchronous operations and is designed to be used in small applications that communicate with a few d...
System.Linq.Dynamic for .NET 3.5 compiled .dll packaged for NuGet
The "Adornment" helper class provides static wireups for adornments and provides methods for adding ui controls to the adorner layer. <Border> <A:Adornment.Content> <!-- Add adorning content here --> </A:Adornment.Content> </Border>
ArangoDB-NET is C# based driver for .NET/mono framework which implements ArangoDB REST API.
A small helper library for configuring EqualityComparer<T> and Comparer<T>
CityLizard Framework allows developers to design strongly typed XML and HTML using .NET languages, such as C#, VB, F#, Nemerle. The project inspired by LINQ to XSD and Sharp DOM.
Functional programming syntax support for C#, for things which either don't exist in C#, or a pain. Includes: 1) use 'var' to declar lambdas: var f = Fun.function(()=>10); 2) function composition; 3) partial function application (currying). MIT license.
.NET Portable Class Library that provides general purpose types to make your code safer and easier to read and maintain.
My package description.
Serial Port Host
An implementation of the Murmur3 hash for .NET
Mesmer is a Memoization Library for the .Net platform
A convention based route discovery library for the .NET platform
The SInc Security Library for .NET provides minimal, lightweight abstract and concret security classes, including functionality for claims-based security and user sessions, and a robust encryption wrapper for hashing, symmetric, and asymmetric encryption and decryption.
Dump object to string. You can extend output format.
SQLdotNET allows you to write simple SQL SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries without using any ORM or creating stored procedures in database. You write code which looks similar to SQL query in your .NET code. Currently library is working only with MS SQL Server.
New .NET Trace mechanism with custom categories. Source code :
PWDTK Mobile (Password Toolkit Mobile) is a .NET API which easily allows you to create crypto random salt strings and generate password hashes using a HMAC SHA-256 based version of the PBKDF2 specification. It also contains an implementation of password policies which are enforced using regular expr...
Beems Matrix Provide all basic functionality for Board Games and Apps.