Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Castle Windsor DI bindings for Susanoo
StackExchange Redis caching for Susanoo
This is a modified version of MahApps.Metro specifically for Explore10
.NET Deezer API wrapper
This library is a .NET Micro Framework driver for Eclo Solutions SIM800H IoT module. Includes support for: - TCP sockets (with/without SLL) - HTTP(S) with .NETMF equivalent API - SMS - NTP protocol - Location services (using SIMCOM API) - Sending image and text MMS message Versions available for ....
This project is a fully asynchronous .NET Portable Class Library and .Net 4.5 library for interacting with the great OpenWeatherMap API. Documentation on Or:
Cache library for invoking .NET methods which has return value.
Provides common library for .NET/C# usage.
C# language binding and extensions to Apache Spark
A big-endian BinaryReader/Writer implementation for .NET.
iAnywhere Data SQLAnywhere for .NET v3.5, v4.0 and v4.5 (Looking for version 17, install: Sap.Data.SQLAnywhere)
.Net Singleton Session
Achievementsystem for C#
Lightweight workflow engine Supported platforms: - .NET 4.0+ - .NET Core (DNX Core 5+, Universal Windows Apps 10+) - Windows 8 - Windows Phone 8 (Silverlight) - Universal (Windows Phone 8.1+, Windows 8.1+) - Portable Libraries (supporting Profile259)
Gatherer: Download card image Download expansion set rartiy symbols MtgJson: Download expansion set files
Billx .NET SDK is our official .NET SDK for supporting Billx Rest APIs.
MiniMapper is small framework for mapping the properties from one object to another. MiniMapper.Attributes contains the attributes to put on the class you are mapping from. You will need MiniMapper.Core to create the maps and to do the mapping.
Provides Live Monitoring For a web application
Added Features to NMemory project. so that it is immediatly available as nuget package before Pull requests...