Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

.NET library for using databases through ADO.NET.
.NET library for working with pictures.
.NET library for UML Modeling.
.NET library for parsing.
.NET library for Testing and Mocking in unittests.
.NET library for Windows Applications.
.NET library extending the .NET Framework with base functionality.
Functional C# library
Miscellaneous utilities for working with dates and times.
Device SDK for Azure IoT Devices
.NET library with base and shared service contract types.
.NET library for static code analysis.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions.
Simple Smart Types Lite
Regular Expression Pattern Builder
Provides build symbol definitions so that projects referencing specific .NET Framework can use it in code as compile definition.
Represents a single threading synchronization.
This is a .NET implementation of Flux
xamarin-bugly for android,report Bug to