Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Server Control representing the Web UI in order to develop SSIS package.
This is a custom wrapper for managing HTTP requests and routes in .NET desktop applications.
Docker.DotNet is a library that allows you to interact with the Docker Remote API programmatically with fully asynchronous, non-blocking and object-oriented code in your .NET applications.
- Standardized format following RFC 4180 specification - Unix and Windows compatible - Unicode and escaped characters support - Serialization / deserialization to any .NET class
Let face it - memory caching in .Net 3.5 is a pain. It tends to involve rolling your own solution or downloading something enormous (like MS enterprise libraries). This little package is designed to sit between the 2. If you need to know how it does what it does, the code is on github! Huzzah!
Human friendly, textual representations of TimeSpan and file size using standard .NET types. It is light-weight, tested and supports PCL.
Provides a MSBuild task to merge multiple CIL assemblies into one.
MvcWebApiCors is a small library for .NET MVC 4 which sets the response headers correctly to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing. You don't have to upgrade to MVC 5, you don't have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 and you definitely don't have to have IE10!
Wiktionary library for .NET
.NET SDK for Baidu BCS
Scan in .net using Twain
Converts bytes to base 32 encoded Strings
ILMerge.Tools repackages Microsoft's ILMerge into a NuGet package that includes the original files in the tools directory instead of as content. The files included in this package are the identical files that are included in the official ILMerge NuGet package of the same version. ILMerge is a utili...
ILMerge.Tools.MSBuildToolTask is a simple MSBuild task that wraps the ILMerge.exe command-line tool. Unlike other ILMerge MSBuild tasks,ILMerge.Tools.MSBuildToolTask is decoupled from the ILMerge assembly which means it does not reference it nor does it load it in-process. Instead, it executes ILMer...
Microsoft SQL Server specific components for Susanoo
Configuration based message routing support for MassTransit .NET distributed application framework
Yaaf.Logging is a simple abstraction layer over a logging library (designed for System.Diagnostic.TraceSource).
.NET Core Extensions
.Net Microservice Actionless Communication Framework
QueryFilter provides way of providing complex filtering on IQueryable<> with dynamic expression trees. With one property, you can do multiple filters, ands, ors, contains, less than, not equals, etc for anything that implements IQueryable. This also applies to Entity Framework. You also get the abil...