Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Some helpers for tests of .NET apps. Features will be add too slow.
Prueba de cargar Nugets
COBEREC translates a domain model written in GraphQL Schema language into C# immutable classes so that we can declare the domain model very easily without any boilerplate.
A compiler which can generate a new assembly following the code convention of Python
Xena Exchange official websocket and rest clients for .netstandard 2.0
Package Description
A Simple service to use Powershell API to manage some files
F# inspired functional extensions for C#
This is a new set of templates to use when creating a project for DataTier.Net targeting DotNetCore 3.1
A Simple service to use Powershell API to manage some files
Package Description
This item template creates two files, a DataWatcher and a Service. This package is meant to be installed via DataTier.Net, as there are few variables that have to replaced and I haven't figured out Dot Net Core replacement paremeters yet, so I am rolling my own replacement parameters after install.
Identiy CORE for JWt
Unofficial NuGet package of ESAPIX 15.5 for easy referencing
Compilado de funciones javascript y estilos css genéricos.
My container to list
My Console Color