Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Monads for easy and compact error handling with Railway Oriented Programming.
The QR Code library allows your program to create (encode) QR Code image. The attached source code is a visual studio solution. The solution targets .NET framework (net462) and .NET standard (netstandard2.0). The source code is written in C#. It is an open source code. For test/demo application vis...
The QRCode decoder libraries allows your program to read (decode) an image containing one or more QR Codes.
Win API Wrapper
Utility library for .NET WPF
Utilities for .NET applications
This is a simple nuGet repackaging of version 2.1.4 of BrowserMob proxy. There are no changes to its contents/source and it is simply designed to provide an alternative distribution method. This package is maintained by Deagor however the code is simply copied directly from the BrowserMob github. As...
A lightweight module that can handle the C# startup parameters for you.
RulesX is a simple rule evaluation C# library built using reflection, expressions and some linq. It evaluates the rule by comparing a given value with the matching property name in the type. It supports evaluation of rules on a single object, collection of objects and also on complex objects
EnKrypt.Standard is a simple encryption library using a complex shift algorithm.
Code support library
Using AlmightyPDF to create your first pdf document: 
using almightypdf.Models; using almightypdf.Services;
IPdf pdf = new Pdf(); pdf.CreateAndSavePDF(PdfElements pdfElements); Parameters: String Header
String Body
String Footer
String Stylesheet
Int HeaderHeight
Int FooterHeight
String FileN...
Library of components for 2D animation
Core types of TechnicalAnalysis.Net.
Package Description
This class library (.Net Standard 2.0) provide a C# bindable component that implements the following .NET Framework interfaces: System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations impleme...
Package Description
Package Description