Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

A small .Net winForm input controls (TextBox, ComboBox, MaskedTextBox, DataGridView) library that check empty and null values.
Extended String Library for UiPath.
NAudio, an audio library for .NET update self of sampleRate
Console input methods that pervent user from inputting wrong data(ex. string into int).
Wrapper around Challonge API written in .NET Standard 2.0
SharpHelpers is a collections of some handy code packages and tutorials to make developer's life easier.
Add-on for WebSocketSharp
Types for using any monitoring plugin.
Application bootstrapper
Health Checks
Collection of string helper method
A library to check your arguments in a simple comfort way. This library do not use Expression or nameof. It is based on Func<T>. So no performance issue during positive argument check.
A C# template generator. Quickly and easily define markup and tokens to quickly generated customizable templates.
Common response objects
Use 'dotnet tool' as service in your .net projects. The commands are wrapped so you can handle very comfortable the commands of the 'dotnet tool' cli as a service.
A simple library to get an abstraction to FileInfo and DirectoryInfo. As an addition you had for each object a service which you can use for better coding and handle accessing to the IO in a better way.