Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Docker.DotNet.X509 is a library that allows you to use certificate authentication with a remote Docker engine programmatically in your .NET applications.
Docker.DotNet.BasicAuth is a library that allows you to use basic authentication with a remote Docker engine programmatically in your .NET applications.
Shared models used in diffrent services
Localization resources based on HttpRequest
Authentication Models used for services
A .NET Standard 2.0 library filelogger which logs in files and places them in c:\temp. The naming of the file is the name of the calling assembly with the extension log. Created because of the need of simple file logging, while putting products into production, to reduce doubts about correct configu...
This package provides a light weight caching managment.
Customized Windows Control Library for Desktop applications
A custom HttpClient implementation using resilience and logging using a custom Azure Application Insight.
An asynchronous .NET Core client for Local Weather API of Weather Unlocked service. Features - Search by geographic coordinates or post code/zipcode; - Multiple language; Types of weather data supported: - Current weather - 7-day forecast (every 3 hours)
BlendWindow is a C# window framework for a nice window frame.
Librería de programas comunes
Provide Optional for C#
Templates to use when creating an application using BoltOn Application Framework
Email sender for gear
Web app for run gear product
Features in the release: read diferent data types from memory, write different data types to memory, get .dll (library) address which attached to a process
Package Description
C# utility class to validate common input types Find Blogs at -