Top 20 NuGet analyzers Packages

Set of roslyn-based analyzers for RuntimeContracts library.
Banned API Analyzers
Analyzer utilities for various analyses, including Dataflow analysis based on ControlFlowGraph API in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
Detects Duplicate Code
SDK for building custom analyzers for FSAC / F# editors
A Roslyn analyzer to improve the experience when working with nullable reference types.
CLI for DynamicsCrm.DevKit tool
A collection of Dynamics 365 Roslyn Analyzers
A simple template base system of macros for C# that can be executed in design time
Tool for DynamicsCrm.DevKit tool
C# code refactorings and diagnostic analyzers with code fixes, based on the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn).
PikTools analyzers library
Helps transform NUnit v2 to NUnit v3. It consists of a set of Roslyn analyzers and code fixers. Add it to your NUnit v2 test projects, make use of auto fixes, adjust manually when needed, bump NUnit to v3.
Generates fields and setup method for class under test.
Contains dotnet tool for TypePack serialization library to allow code generation via Cli.
The Del Sole's VSIX library helps generating code snippets for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code, plus it allows creating VSIX packages to share reusable IntelliSense code snippet files for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code. We provide integrated Roslyn code analysis for live issue d...
A collection of analyzers to help Visual Studio extension developers write quality code.
A set of Roslyn analyzers related to multithreading