Top 20 NuGet http Packages

HTTP tracer
Package Description
Baseline.FluentHttpExtensions is a single file fluent interface for the System.Net.Http.HttpClient class, now available as a NuGet package!
Http client library
This package provides a programing interface to send text messages
Provides general HTTP types.
Fluent API for asserting HTTP message exchanges (currently under active development).
Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpClientQuery
Strong-typed Linq to Web API with resource names conventions. Builds on top of HttpEntityClient and HttpClient and provides the easiest way to interface with typed REST services that are modeled around typed entities or contracts. Example: var products = client // Note: resource path inferred from...
Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpEntityConventionClient
A Json.NET-based MediaTypeFormatter for the WebApi that can handle text-based Json as well as binary Json (Bson). To use: var config = HttpHostConfiguration.Create().UseJsonNet();
Json.NET support for Spring.NET REST Client Framework
Spring.NET REST Client Testing Framework
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Dropbox
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Twitter
Wraps the entire RESTful API API C# Client Library
A module that compresses js into a single file, and css into a single file. More then likely you really want an msbuild task to do this. Get nuget package Talifun.Crusher.MsBuild if this is the case.