Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Google.ProtocolBuffers serializer for Chinchilla, the little library that makes RabbitMQ awesome
A fast, lean and opinionated web framework based on the Microsoft ASP.NET Core.
.net core http extensions
HTTP request response decoders
Thin libcurl wrapper for C#. Keeps original enum naming, so you can easily switch if you already know libcurl. Provides convenient access to concurrent curl_multi interface with polling.
Server library for CacheCow project
HttpClient abstractions for web, with OAuth2 implementation, and chaining handlers.
Use Routable with the Kestrel HTTP server
HTTPnet is a .NET library for HTTP and WebSocket based communication. It provides a HTTP/WebSocket server and a powerful processing pipeline for HTTP request and their responses.
This is an HTTP client that can be used to consume HTTP APIs and was developed using the Fluent Interface design pattern.
A NetClient implementation supporting JSON-RPC APIs.
A library to render problem details as specified by RFC 7808 at
A library to render problem details as specified by RFC 7808 at
Provides constructs which make it easier to use Auth0 when interacting with protected APIs.
A Freya Router based on URI Templates for route matching
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding Patch support
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding CORS support
Chromely CefSharp Winapi implementation. Chromely.CefSharp.Winapi version naming is based Chromely and Chromium versions implemented- major.minor.chromuim version.patch e.g
Chromely CefGlue Winapi implementation library - this is in .NET Standard 2.0 as it can be used in both .NET (Windows) and .NET Core (Windows, Linux). Chromely.CefGlue.Winapi version naming is based Chromely and Chromium versions implemented- major.minor.chromuim version.patch e.g