Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Framework to help testing Restful APIs in a fluent style that are easy to write and understand. Allows you to write your Api Requests and Asserting the response in a fluent manner. Compatible with NUnit, MSTest, XUnit and any test runner.
Package to help using Newton JsonSchema package to validate response models from an Integration test using RestFluencing.
Alternative routing API for Giraffe web applications which is aimed at maximum performance.
Http session for dependency injection service
Blunder HTTP context extensions
JRequest.NET is a powerful library which allows applications to call web APIs using JSON.
Zipkin instrumentation for RestSharp based on the library ( It allows to automatically log every outgoing HTTP request into Zipkin, co-relating trace IDs.
Simple multi-platform HTTP server based on HttpListener.
An implementation of RockLib.Messaging that sends and receives messages via HTTP.
This simple library enables an app developer to grant a new refresh token to a given Reddit user.
A .NET library to gain access to the CoffeeCup API.
Implementation for Http using default system implementation
OAuth authenticators for ClickView.Extensions.RestClient
SystemLink client API for the Test Monitor service, which is responsible for creating, updating, querying, and deleting test results and test steps. This version of the API only supports creating and updating results and steps on a 19.5 or later SystemLink Server. Commonly Used Types: NationalInstr...
SystemLink client API for the Tag services, which are responsible for transferring low-frequency test and measurement data between your systems and SystemLink Server or Cloud. Commonly Used Types: NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagManag...
SystemLink client API for sending and receiving status updates and commands between applications. Commonly Used Types: NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Message.MessageSession
SystemLink client API for the File Ingestion service, which is responsible for uploading, downloading, updating, and deleting files from your SystemLink Server. This version of the API only supports uploading files. Commonly Used Types: NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.File.FileUploader