Top 20 NuGet http Packages

AspNetCore OAuth authenticator for ClickView.Extensions.RestClient
Simple, powerful, customizable file download manager library for Android
File Server Lib for Karamunting.Android.TonyoFrancis.Fetch2
Implementation for Http using default system implementation
T2B.Services.Log.Client is an logging tool support local file log and cloud log - Fixed FileLog name issue; - Support BeginScope();
**This package is a fork from** Framework to help testing Restful APIs in a fluent style that are easy to write and understand. Allows you to write your Api Requests and Asserting the response in a fluent manner. Compatible with NUnit, MSTest, XUnit and any t...
(fork of project by Kris Craig) Reddit.NET is a .NET Standard library that provides easy access to the Reddit API with virtually no boilerplate code required.
File Server Lib for Karamunting.AndroidX.TonyoFrancis.Fetch2
Simple, powerful, customizable file download manager library for Android
Http extensions for Cosmos base library
HTTP Proxy support for C# using System.Net.TcpClient. Expected to work on all NetStandard platforms.
PayPalHttp is a generic http client designed to be used with code-generated projects.
The collection of Polly Policies for System.Data.SqlClient.
SystemLink client API for the Asset Management service, which is responsible for storing asset utilization data. This version of the API only is compatible with SystemLink Asset Manager Module 19.6 or later and requires the SystemLink Client application installed. Commonly Used Types: N...
The HttpContent package for Http Problem Details according to RFC 7807.
Implementation for Http using default system implementation
Reddit.NET is a .NET Standard library that provides easy access to the Reddit API with virtually no boilerplate code required.
Reddit.NET is a .NET Standard library that provides easy access to the Reddit API with virtually no boilerplate code required.
CoAPnet is a high performance .NET library for CoAP based communication. It provides a CoAP client and a CoAP server. It also has DTLS support out of the box.
AdvancedSockets is a multithreaded websocket and http client/server library for dotnet applications. With this library you can easily setup websocket clients and servers as well as http servers.