Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Core utility classes to accelerate to build web api
Frontegg is a web platform where SaaS companies can set up their fully managed, scalable and brand aware - SaaS features and integrate them into their SaaS portals in up to 5 lines of code.
A fluent, portable, testable HTTP client library.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Single stream representing multiple streams
Mockable HTTP Helper for.NET2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WinRT (supports Task Parallel Library/async/await)
self hosting HTTP server for testing
framework for faking external web services for acceptance tests
Functional API to process HTTP requests with ASP.NET MVC-like routing inspired by express.js
An implementation of WebClient that is open for modification.
High performance web framework based on Ice Core
A lightweight http server for mocking web services and REST resources
Dynamo IoC Web Extensions provide web specific lifetimes (request and session) and integrates with both Mvc 4 and the new Web Api (including using Scopes).
Strong-typed Linq to Web API. Builds on top of HttpClient and provides the easiest way to interface with typed REST services that are modeled around typed entities or contracts. Example: var products = client .Query<Product>("products") .OrderBy(x => x.Downloads) .Skip(25) .Take(25) .ToList();
A server-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to provide optimizations for high network traffic scenarios. (Community Edition)
The serf library is a high performance C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. serf homepage:
Need to use the rabbit management http api? Don't jump through hoops.
Provides NLog logging integration for Chinchilla, the little library that makes RabbitMQ awesome.