Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Useful compression utility for easily and quickly (de)compressing strings and byte[] arrays. Can be used in ASP.NET Core using the included dependency injection container (under Startup.cs call services.AddTransient and register the compression utility service there).
Package Description
This is a dotnet command line tool that generates stored procedures
Dependency injection based complex type model binder for core 2
Magento Rest API compatible with .NET Core ( Standard 2.0)
Display version information of .NET Core assemblies
Error page module for SiteTriks CMS
ECommerce module for SiteTriks CMS
A .NET Core Global Tool to deploy changes to SQL databases using DbUp.
Strongly typed i18n (internationalization) for dot net core. This is a .net core port of's respected i18n for MVC5 (xml resources) ++. Tutorials provided.
EntityFramework perstistence implementation to store push subscriptions with PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2.
Abstractions for push subscription management using PushServer framework for ASP.NET Core 2. Commonly used types: PushChannelConfiguration PushChannelOptions
This library helps you decide the allowed files in your system by letting the file go through specific checks (filtering layers) before doing anything to the file. It supports four layers of checking including MimeTypes, and Content-Types. Usage: YOUR_IFormFile.IsFileAllowed(ARGS);
Esta biblioteca ha sido diseñada para usar con el Generador de codigo. Biblioteca con clases base e interfaces para usar con el Generador de Codigo en base a .Net Core. en Modo sincrono y asincrono. Soporte objetos transitorios y desconectados.