Top 20 NuGet core Packages

A Tool for Automatically Upgrading .Net Core Solutions to a new version
WrapFTP is a .NET standard library that provides a convenient wrapper around FtpWebRequest class with useful methods to download/upload/list files from a FTP server.
Lacuna Software's fork of the PagSeguro Client API with .NET Standard 2.0 support and strong name
.NET Standard Base Type Extensions
Core classes and interfaces that support ScaleOut Digital Twins™.
MySql.Data.MySqlClient .Net Core Class Library
Useful Types: JsonConfig, IJsonConfigurationProvider Use JsonConfig.AddJsonProvider(json) to add a provider to the static Rayson.Configuration.Config.
Useful Types: Config, IConfigurationProvider
Dotnet Core Api Framework. OpenAPI Specification and Docker Supported
Measurement Core
Swarm is a distributed scheduled job framework, based on Quartz.
Simple generic disconnected Entity Framework Core repository that resolves the entity graphs when adding or updating entities along with all its relations in a disconnected scenario.
core functionalities of cidaas
DataBus for .Net Core 2.0
This package implements a mechanism for scoped role assignment provider making use of an adapter that make http requests for a default Furiza Security Provider Web Api.
Optim IT Reporting Engine