Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Common Linq Extensions, Slicing support in C# and String extension methods. Includes also common linq operations as Array returning operations.
Package Description
Package Description
Automatic SemVer 2.0 versioning for .NET through repository properties. Customisable MSBuild extension that adds new targets for automatic VCS-based versioning compliant with SemVer 2.0. Supports Bazaar (bzr), Git, Mercurial (hg) and Subversion (svn).
Bolt MessagePack Serializator.
Package Description
various tools and utils for ASP.NET Core development
mocking library for SqlMapper build for .Net Standard 2.0
sharef functionality for SqlMapper.Core
Middleware to allow for multi-tenancy in .net core web api applications.
Projects Format Utility Library
Package Description
.NET Core global tool to add CA and SA to the projects in a folder.
Exposing different methods to validate Models based on Third party library (Fluent Validation)
Database Abstraction
Various tools,extensions, etc. for .Net Core Upgraded to core 3.1