Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Contains helper functionality to set up an Invincible.Licensing.Core service in an ASP.Net Core Mvc project
Basically just a port of Rhino.Licensing to be usable from at least .Net Core 2.1 Note: this package requires that a platform specific version of System.Security.Cryptography.Xml is installed.
Generic PayPal caller for customer shopping carts
Package Description
Teste para incluir funcionalidades posteriormente
AIML Implementation for .net standard 2.0
Core Library
This library provides a way to add in-memory JSON to a ConfigurationBuilder. It allows for remote web configuration loading as well as grabbing JSON from command line, environment variables, or any location that isn't a physical path located on the target machine.
Extract structure from any text using a tokenising lexer. Convert any single or multiple line text into a collection containing runs of token types and their content.
基于微软Configuration的接口实现的携程Apollo配置 支持.NetCore 2.0 以及 .NetStandard2.0
SiteSync module for SiteTriks CMS
SiteMap module for SiteTriks CMS
RssFeed module for SiteTriks CMS
MarketingEmail module for SiteTriks CMS
Forum module for SiteTriks CMS
Documentation module for SiteTriks CMS
Blog module for SiteTriks CMS
基于Consul 封装的服务注册及健康检查类库 支持.NetCore 2.0 以及 .NetStandard2.0
DotVue - Using VueJS with server-side C# view model (for ASP.NET Core)