Top 20 NuGet chillicream Packages

Contains the Hot Chocolate GraphQL schema stitching layer.
Contains the Hot Chocolate GraphQL parser and lexer. Also included are syntax visitor and syntax rewriter base classes.
Contains common abstractions used between the Hot Chocolate GraphQL type system and the GraphQL query execution engine.
Contains the Hot Chocolate GraphQL query execution engine and query validation.
Contains the Hot Chocolate GraphQL type system.
Contains internal helper classes and utilities used by the Hot Chocolate GraphQL type system and the GraphQL query execution engine.
Contains ready to use extensions for data management in HotChocolate. This includes filtering, projections and sorting
Green Donut is a port of facebook's DataLoader utility, written in C# for .NET Core and .NET Framework.
Contains Hot Chocolate GraphQL subscriptions abstractions.
Contains an in-memory implementation for a Hot Chocolate GraphQL subscription provider.
Contains an introspection client to download a GraphQL schema over HTTP.
This package contains the UTF8 based parsers of Hot Chocolate.
This package contains the abstract syntax tree that is used by the Hot Chocolate parsers.
This package contains the GraphQL ASP.NET Core middleware for Hot Chocolate. Moreover, this package includes the Banana Cake Pop middleware, which provides you with our beloved GraphQL IDE middleware.
This package contains the ASP.NET Core authorization integrations for Hot Chocolate.
This package contains the UTF8 based parsers of Hot Chocolate.
Package Description
Package Description
Contains middleware and types for cursor based pagination.
Package Description