NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélite en español para Microsoft Owin Diagnostics
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boost_math_tr1f-vc110 [1 dependencies]

boost_math_tr1f-vc110. Compiler: Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
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HenoohDeviceEmulator [1 dependencies]

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Sunpoin.HostWinSvr [1 dependencies]

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CrystalWind.SqlServer [1 dependencies]

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XamLahb.Mvvm [1 dependencies]

XamLahb.Mvvm is a smart and super light Mvvm Framework design to be Easy and Simple specifically for Xamarin.Forms.
Contains ASP.NET and .NET Framework only features used in ServiceStack: - MiniProfiler - SmartThreadPool, AppSelfHostBase
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DSerfozo.RpcBindings [1 dependencies]

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SharkByte.RemoteTea.Net [1 dependencies]

A pure C# implementation of ONC/RPC. RemoteTea.Net is a port of the pure Java RemoteTea package. Forked from Jay Walter's SourceForge repository at: Git commit hash: 2a31f95
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Bimatrix.Bcfier [1 dependencies]

Bcfier for Bimatrix
Excalibur tries to bring structure for developers that are using MvvmCross and Xamarin to develop their mobile applications. This is provider that provides Encryption!
Identity integration for Galaxy
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EY.Common.LibPub [1 dependencies]

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Skclusive.Material.Table [1 dependencies]

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Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppConfig [1 dependencies]

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppConfig (Stability: Experimental)
Utilities to render razor to string, you can use this to email or convert to pdf through wkhtml library
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BT.Manage.IFlow.NetCore [1 dependencies]