NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It includes code to help with tasks including encryption, compression, serialization, file management, email, image manipulation, Active Directory, Exchange, SQL, various file formats (CSV, i...
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ILMerge MSBuild Tasks [1 dependencies]

Interested in using ILMerge during an automated build? ILMerge Tasks will allow you to access ILMerge as a task from MSBuild.
Common linear algebra library.
This library makes it possible to create an ExactTarget email from a specified template with a content area.
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Nu.Io.Serial [1 dependencies]

Wrapper of serical libs.
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boost_type_erasure-vc120 [1 dependencies]

boost_type_erasure-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5.
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ScottIsAFool.Windows.Core [1 dependencies]

This is a custom library, usable in background projects, used by Scott Lovegrove in his Windows Store apps.
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XCore.Mvc [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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SF.Utils.ShortLink [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Http Client extensions
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Majid.Zero [1 dependencies]

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PTMap.External.DTOs [1 dependencies]

Package Description
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Entity Framework Core Extensions - Model Extensions
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U4.NCalc-NetStandard [1 dependencies]

This is a port of NCalc for .NET Core applications.
DEPENDENCY-ONLY for the Toolkit for Kentico Search extension. No need to install directly.
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RamDisk [1 dependencies]

RamDisk is a library for create virtual disk drive on system memory
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Chase.UI.Windows [1 dependencies]

This package contains common utilities, extensions and structures for the development of WPF applications.
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Aiwins.Rocket.TestBase [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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StateR.Experiments [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description