NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Gerrit.Api.Domain [1 dependencies]

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CS.Reactive [1 dependencies]

Utility library. Contains TcpClient and TcpListener wrappers, along with other things that utilize the Reactive framework.
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L Core [1 dependencies]

C# Extensions Method Library
This package describes the server models. That can be used to discribe user achievements in the database.
This library can be used to develop a .NET application that works as a client of Lightstreamer Server, in order to send and receive real-time data. The minimum requirements for supported environments are: .NET 4.5, Windows 8, Windows Phone Silverlight 8, ASP.NET Core 1.0. The Lightstreamer...
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OrionWindows.Foundation [1 dependencies]

Orion foundation library in .NET standard for consumption by other orion libaries or applications
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NSS.Speak [1 dependencies]

Markdown extension library for NSS editors
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Mariowski.Common [1 dependencies]

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Coherence.EntityRepository [1 dependencies]

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Fooxboy.FusionBot [1 dependencies]

Ядро для создания ботов для ВКонтакте с поддержкой longpoll и callback на C# и всех .Net языков.
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Reloaded.WPF.Theme.Default [1 dependencies]

The default "Reloaded" theme inspired by Reloaded Mod Loader.
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BlazorFabric.Text [1 dependencies]

Text from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
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StockSharp.IEX [1 dependencies]

Trading and algorithmic trading platform (stock markets, forex, bitcoins and options). .NET API for InteractiveBrokers, GainCapital, OANDA, FIX/FAST, Binance etc. More info on web site
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PepperDash Core [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Penguin.Cms.Images [1 dependencies]

Not Available