NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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BinbinPager.Common [1 dependencies]

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Preferences [1 dependencies]

The Smart Solution Platform Personalization service and API intend to organize the general views or dashboards associated with users daily tasks in the most comprehensive and efficient way. Personalization also offers to the end-users a more personalized experience based on their profiles.
7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. 7za.exe is a standalone console version of 7-Zip with reduced formats support. 7za.exe features: - High compression ratio in 7z format - Supported formats: - Packing / unpacking: 7z, xz, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR - Unpacking only: Z, lzm...
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Osmos.OsConsole [1 dependencies]

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Lisa.PermissionFrame [1 dependencies]

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Autofac.kino [1 dependencies]

Framework for building actors networks
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WireMock.Net.StandAlone [1 dependencies]

Lightweight StandAlone Http Mocking Server for .Net.
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Fugu.MicrosoftTranslator [1 dependencies]

Application framework for .NET Core
Provides a helper to create mock Umbraco service objects and Umbraco unit testing boilerplate code
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Audit.FileSystem [1 dependencies]

Generate Audit Logs from file system events using a FileSystemWatcher
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Volo.Docs.HttpApi [1 dependencies]

Package Description
PriceFieldPrice Provider
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CoreSharp.GraphQL [1 dependencies]

GraphQL CQRS integration and extension
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Tm.Module.Quartz.Quartz [1 dependencies]

任务调度 - Quartz
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YY.Rpc.ClassRoom [1 dependencies]

My package description.
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WTModels [1 dependencies]

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FileSignatureUtility [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Libreria de clases con utilidades criptograficas
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Girvs.Infrastructure [1 dependencies]

Package Description