NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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SpeakEasy [1 dependencies]

SpeakEasy... making http easy!
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SHHH.Infrastructure [1 dependencies]

Base classes for setting up a domain model
File system for portable FTP server
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MugenMvvmToolkit - UWP [1 dependencies]

This package contains the UWP assemblies. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintainable cross platform C# native applications...
System.Waf is a lightweight framework that helps you to create well-structured XAML applications. This package supports writing unit tests. It can be used in various application types.
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Pillar.Ioc [1 dependencies]

A lightweight PCL framework that helps you develop MVVM Xamarin.Forms applications easily.
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Univedo.Data [1 dependencies]

Univedo.Data Class Library
Useful compression utility for easily and quickly (de)compressing strings and byte[] arrays. Can be used in ASP.NET Core using the included dependency injection container (under Startup.cs call services.AddTransient and register the compression utility service there).
A Loftware control wrapper for Assembly Software Developers
HealthChecks.Kafka is the health check package for Kafka.
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Mechdancer.Dependency.Net [1 dependencies]

动态依赖项管理;为 Remote 提供支持;
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tvn.cosine.leptonica [1 dependencies]

AK47 Framework MCS.Web.Responsive.WebControls
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DISCommon [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Senparc.Weixin.AspNet.dll [1 dependencies]

微信 SDK - Senparc.Weixin.AspNet 模块 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
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Streamx.Linq.ExTree [1 dependencies]

Converts MSIL to AST
Cosmogonia projects' contracts & messages
Package Description
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes