Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on mongocsharpdriver

Total dependencies: 261

Re-writes csprojs and sln files to make them all refer to the same nuget package versions (and lib type), and makes references not version specific. Also has support for switching between a package reference and a source reference (based on the conventions I use; see the readme.txt).
MongoFs provides a few simple helper functions wrapped around the official Mongo C# client that make it a littler easier to use from F#.
An NLog Target for MongoDB persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 1.8
Test fixtures for .NET and MongoDB to make integration testin a little easier.
MongoDB.Dynamic is a lightweight library with interesting dynamic features that speed up development for desktop/web applications that accesses MongoDB databases, allowing to persist entities with interface-based instances.
Guidelines adaptor for MongoDB
New version of MongoDB.Web with in-memory caching for sessions.
This library provides extended cache capabilities to the ASP.NET applications. It includes the MongoDB and SQL Server output cache providers extending ASP.NET Output Cache capabilities by allowing to store cached data outside of the application process that is especially important in web-farm scena...
MongoCamp for MongoDB ORM Tools (based on the official driver)
Skahal.Infrastructure.Framework.Repositories.IRepository's MongoDB implementation.
A Helper assembly for working with MongoDB
An NLog Target for MongoDB persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 1.8.3
Extensions for mongo c# driver
Domain driven MongoDB Entity.
MongoDB Session State Provider Custom ASP.NET Session State Provider using MongoDB as the state store.
SeekU MongoDB provider for event stream and snapshot storage.