Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on mongocsharpdriver

Total dependencies: 261

Simple tool to migrate data.
MongoDB persistence for server-side CacheCow
IntiCms - a minimalistic component for integrating content into your application. Rather than a full blown CMS which forces your web application to change, the IntiCms component makes it easy to bootstrap content into your existing applicaiton and imposes no structural change on your applicaiton.
An extension for MVCBootstrap that will make it easy working with MongoDB in your ASP.NET MVC projects.
This project contains the MongoDB implementation of the nohros data API.
This library is for adding optimistic concurrency control to MongoDB using techniques similar to Entity Framework as well as adding basic DbContext type of functionality to your applications.
MongoDB implementation for event sourcing with Waffle.
Additional persistence provider for NEventStore using MongoDB.
Repository class for MongoDB
A simple queuing mechanism built on MongoDB. Allows for basic distributed task management and scheduling. This is provided as-is.
A mongo appender for log4net.
Some handy bson extension methods.
This packages registers DataContract mapped files in order to be persisted in mongodb (as decorated in DataContract/Member).
MongoDB ASP.NET Providers including Membership, Role, Profile and Session State Providers.
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration. NOTE: The format of the log files has changed, please use a new collection or clear existing entries before using this version.
Event store implementation using MongoDB for TJ.CQRS
Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the job store. NB requires manual configuration (see project site). Version 1.3 fixes some bugs thank to contributors and follows dependencies updates.
Strongly typed fluent Update utility class for MongoDB