Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on mongocsharpdriver

Total dependencies: 261

MongoDB extension for Bootstrapper
This is a loosely coupled journaling infrastructure which is able to log anything into any SQL/NoSQL data storage.
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
This library is currently the easiest way to interact with MongoDB by using .NET. It will give you the most flexible and powerful possibility to securely and safely create, delete, read, change, and manage your entities and queries with the MongoDB.
Proveedor personalizado de Session State basado en MongoDB.
MongoDb adapter for Antler framework.
A set of filters that ensures each message is proccesed only once
This is a library that provides logging for .NET Core 2.0 applications. It gives the option of logging to Disk, SQL database or MongoDb. It also has a find method that can be used to search for logs based on time range, partial message string, log type (Exception, Error, Warning, Information).
Database context for MongoDB. Help developer work with MongoDB easier
A .NET micro framework full of awesomeness
A lightweight business layer for using MongoDb. Business object class encapsulates and standarizes CRUD operations, provides hooks for common entity operations and queries and provides business rule validations management. It's a great way to isolate your business logic into classes repository l...
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using MongDB's legacy driver.
MongoBasic is a cross-paltform (.NET and Mono) light facade on top of the Mongo C# Driver. It was mainly built to eliminate some of the verbosities of working with the original Mongo C# driver.
.netcoreplus(Plus.MongoDb) - .NET Core 简易版快速开发框架
Projeto open-source desenvolvido em .NET Core. Este projeto visa ser código base para aplicações, contendo abstrações e interfaces preparadas para futuros desenvolvimentos da comunidade. Recursos de Dados.
Package description
Generic repository to communicate with mongo db database using c#driver