Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive

Total dependencies: 862

A latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.
Bonjour support for .NET Standard, .NET 4.5, .NET Core, Xamarin, Windows Phone, Windows Store/UWP
A .NET framework for composing, evaluating, inspecting and persisting computational experiments which are represented as a dataflow.
Provides RX.Net specific client(s), custom types, helpers and extension methods for the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services & Team Foundation Server 2015 client(s).
Genesis.TestUtil contains utility helpers for tests.
Genesis.AsyncInitializationGuard provides an InitializationGuard class, which facilitates thread-safe asynchronous initialization.
Genesis.DisconnectedUtil contains utility helpers for disconnected layers.
Genesis.GenericSerialDisposable adds a SerialDisposable<T> type to the System.Reactive.Disposables namespace.
Genesis.Logging is a library for application authors (not library authors) that facilitates performance-focussed logging that can be compiled out of performance-critical builds.
Genesis.Observables is a small library that provides commonly used, pre-canned observables.
Genesis.RepeatWithBackoff provides a RepeatWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.
Genesis.WindowScan provides a WindowScan extension method for IObservable<T>.
Genesis.RetryWithBackoff provides a RetryWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.
A very simple messagebus based on Reactive Extensions (RX) Subjects
Utilities for working with observables.
Wikiled Sentiment Analysis library
Parallel Task Queue Reactive Extensions - .NET Standard Library Simple way to process tasks in parallel queues
Fork of Martijn van Dijk's excellent project.