Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive

Total dependencies: 862

This package allows to query the HomematicIp REST and WebSocket endpoint.
In-memory log4net appender, that streams logging events into IObservable<LoggingEvent>. Unlike MemoryAppender, does not persist any logging events by default.
Complex C# library for Firebase Realtime Database built on top of Firebase REST API. Among others it supports following: * Offline storage * Querying using available filters * Passing in authentication token * Streaming online changes * Directly Posting / Putting / Pat...
Reactive framework for Sharp7, the Ethernet S7 PLC communication suite. Handling RFC1006 connections to Siemens S7 300, 1200 and 1500.
This is a copy of original nuget with updated dependencies. An HttpClient implementation for mobile apps that efficiently schedules and prioritizes requests
Linq2Azure is a “cloud management” API that gives .NET developers a familiar programming model for querying and managing their Windows Azure environment. Linq2Azure is statically typed and includes Code Contracts, meaning .NET developers can reliably automate the management of their cloud environmen...
Provides custom Reactive Extensions Related types and helpers.
A small library to simplify the usage of exchange
MvvmFormsBase includes base classes to design ViewModels, which are compatible to XAML and MvvmForms.
A library with utilities for NotifyProperty handling which are used by various Dapplo libraries.
Official Vowpal Wabbit library including C# interface
An extension library for Confluent.Kafka for providing functionality like a fluent consumer builder and System.Reactive hooks.
An implementation of SSDP for both ControlPoint and Device according to the UPnP 2.0 specification. Utilizes Reactive Extensions for easy use and reliability.
A C# library for network communication with the fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT controller.
This libraly can use PowerShell for ReactiveExtension's observable
Fluent Extensions for Phi.Kafka.Active
Generate random data using a fluent api with reactive extensions.