Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive

Total dependencies: 862

Cross-platform Reactive Locations for Xamarin.
PLinq extensions for dynamic data. This is the recommended Dynamic Data package when targetting net 4.5 or above
C# Client library for Discogs API v2.0 Features Include API to authorize user (generating OAuth1.0 token and token secret) Full support to DataBase API including image download Support of identity API Asynchroneous and cancellable API using Tasks Transparent management of pagination using none blo...
[.NET 4.6.1+] - DisposableObservable: a class for creating Observable sequences with TPL easily as Observable.Create - [IObservable].Serialize: wrap all subscriptions into a single ISubject against the sourcing observable - [IObservable].AsAsync: execute all functions on TPL - [IObservable].Fork: a...
Simple TabTip / Virtual Keyboard integration for WPF apps on Win 8.1 and Win 10
Intirinio Realtime SDK for connecting to the IDX data feed
Adds Reactive Extensions and dynamic capabilities to Caliburn Micro.
A .NET library to access the TVShowTime API
Cross Platform Reactive Motion Sensors Plugin for Xamarin and Windows Available Sensors * Accelerometer * Ambient Light * Barometer * Compass * Device Orientation * Gyroscope * Magnetometer * Pedometer * Proximity Supported Platforms * NET Standard * Android 4.3+ * iOS 8+ * Windows UWP
Reactive extensions for MediaManager
Some classes helping to work with WPF/MVVM.
Dataflow programming, the monadic way
Reactive Extensions (Rx) support for the .NET Docker client.
Eaglesakura XAMarin libraries
Felica card reader plugins for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.UWP. With this plugin, the app can detect a Felica card (such as Suica, PASMO and Edy) and send Felica commands to it. The icon image is "Card Nfc" by Viktor Vorobyev from the Noun Project (https://thenounproject....