Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive

Total dependencies: 862

SQL plugin for Meep. Read and write to SQL databases, with out-of-box/configuration-free support for SQLite.
Message Pipelines; receive, filter, modify and output discrete messages with pipelines that are described and configured with an XML-based language. Supports realtime deadlines, plugins, and caching. Meep is System.Reactive + XML + Plugins.
Git plugin for Meep. Supports basic Git operations on any repository.
WebSocket Client and Server library suitable for DI and Unit Testing. Based on WebSocketSharp, modified to target .NETStandard and support projects utilising DI
A small message bus wrapper library which helps developer to implement his/her own lite message bus.
Client for websocket API with built-in reconnection and error handling. This is forked from Marfusios/websocket-client with rewriting connection handling in a moderner and cleaner way. And it uses less threads (using async/await and Channel).
.NET SDK to interact with the æternity blockchain
Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
Extension for NetStandard to process an event store subscription in a webjob.
Library for "live reloading" XAML pages in Xamarin.Forms on Android, UWP and iOS. To be used together with the Codexcite.Reloader.Monitor.
TraceListener for ElasticSearch and kibana
Telegram MTProto Client
GraphQL Query, Mutation and Subscription library for Tanka GraphQL execution engine.
API endpoint for RISC-V toolchain, running inside docker container
Simple EventAggregator class using Rx.
An MVVM framework built on Reactive Extensions for .NET application platforms. Currently supports Avalonia, UWP (build 16299 and later), Uno for Xamarin.Android 8+, WinForms and WPF.
ProximaX Sirius Blockchain .Net SDK