Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reactive

Total dependencies: 862

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Base classes from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Socket based client/server for message exchange.
ACR User Dialogs (Forms Edition)
Official sdk for nem2, aka Catapult.
An implementation of the broker communicator for apollo targeting Azure Service Bus
Reactive MVVM, allows for observable ViewModels which fire both PropertyChanged and IObservable. Used in conjuction with Rx.Main to allow you to observe off Viewmodel properties. Used in the SciChart WPF Examples Application, which demonstrates High Performance WPF Charts, available for download at ...
Misskey API Client for .NET Standard 2.0.
Custom navigation for Xamarin using Reactive Extensions
Tx Windows Log components, specific to Windows Logs
A c# wrapper for the Docker CLI.
A library of extension methods to make Rx.NET code easier to write and read.
Hatena Blog AtomPub API Wrapper for .NET
Service layer library for .NET Core apps.
Redis on Steroids (Roidis) is an object hash mapper built on top of redis.
interface IObservableDictionary<TKey,TValue> and implemention ObservableDictionary<TKey,TValue>
An implementation of WAMP (The Web Application Messaging Protocol). Supports both WAMPv2 and WAMPv1.
Abstracts RabbitMQ Client implementation details from broker dependent applications.
TraceListener for NewRelic
Utilities for consuming and publishing over HTTP.