Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

.NET Core port of sjdirect/nrobots. A robots.txt parser written in c#. This is an unofficial fork of NRobots.txt on codeplex with extended functionality. For full documentation see
Comparer extension methods for System.Linq.
The last comparison library you'll ever need!
Simple .NET Core wrapper for the WkHTMLToPdf tool.
A small logger facade, usable in projects where a log framework should not be forced.
A C# lock replacement for async/await, supporting recursion/re-entrance and asynchronous waits. Handles async recursion correctly - note that Nito.AsyncEx does not!
Simple library for reading and writing playlist's files. Supported formats: m3u, pls, wpl, zpl.
FlareSolverr .Net / Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection.
SensorApi is a portable class library which integrates with Cayenne LLP and TheThingsNetwork (TTN)
Package Description
This package contains country list with offical english name and chinese name (both traditional and simplified) follow ISO 3166-1. Data convert from wiki page. 這個套件包含了 ISO 3166-1 規則的官方英文與中文(正體與簡體)國家名稱,資料來源為 Wiki 頁面。
Core serialization interfaces of SlimMessageBus
Core dependency resolver interfaces of SlimMessageBus
Bubu is application framework to easily build crossplatform applications. Apalla.Bubu.XF contains classes for XamarinForms based applications.
Spice# is a circuit simulator based on and improved from Spice 3f5 by Berkeley. The framework allows custom components and simulations to be added.
NLog Target for Microsoft AppCenter -
CleverPush Xamarin SDK
Provides MQTT communication features, using the MQTTnet library and its extensions. Use with OpcLabs.QuickOpc for OPC UA PubSub transport protocol mappings based on MQTT.