Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Provides types that support the Visual Basic runtime Commonly Used Types: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions 30ab651fcb4354552bd4891619a0bdd81e0ebdbf When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Provides ADAL based authentication for Azure management client libraries
Abstractions that unify behavior and API across .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono
Provides developers with libraries for the updated recovery services backup feature under Azure Resource manager.
Google APIs Client Library for working with Compute alpha. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
HdrHistogram supports low latency recording and analyzing of sampled data value counts across a configurable integer value range with configurable value precision within the range.
A thread-safe hash-based set
A .NET port of java-string-similarity.
The official way to send toast notifications on Windows 10 via code rather than XML, with the help of IntelliSense. Supports all C# app types, including WPF, UWP, WinForms, and Console, even without packaging your app as MSIX. Also supports C++ UWP apps. Additionally, generate notification pa...
Middleware for adding security headers to an ASP.NET Core application. Allows you to easily add Content Security Policy, Strict Transport Security, and Public Key Pins to an app.
Provides the System.ValueTuple structs, which implement the underlying types for tuples in C# and Visual Basic. Commonly Used Types: System.ValueTuple System.ValueTuple<T1> System.ValueTuple<T1, T2> System.ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3> System.ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4> System.ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5...
Microsoft Azure Key Vault WebKey Class Library This library has been replaced by the following new Azure SDKs. You can read about the new Azure SDKs at The latest libraries to interact with the Azure KeyVault service are: *
Package Description
Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files and work with them. Version 2.1 supports .NET Standard and Visual Studio 2017 and 2019. Supported platforms are Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Forms, UWP and WPF. objects turned into strongly typed C# POCO classes for use in .NET. All classes can be serialized into JSON/JSON-LD and XML, typically used to represent structured data in the head section of html page.
Moq auto mocking integration for Stashbox.
Adds the SwaggerRequestExample and SwaggerResponseExample attribute for Swashbuckle. This will populate the example property of a schema object in the output swagger.
StringToExpression supports the compiling a domain specific string into a .NET expression. Out of the box configuration is provided for parsing arithmetic expressions and for parsing OData filter strings. Although can be configured to parse string of any format