Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

DiscUtils UDF filesystem parser.
Set of classes, modules and libraries for easier interaction with WebClients.
Data annotations to validate IBAN user input.
Use Ninject as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
Library that provides the basic architecture and tools for all networking libraries. This includes sniffers, simplified communication libraries for text and/or binary protocols, etc., as well as classes for building client and server applications.
Library that provides basic abstraction for Internet Content Type, and basic encodings and decodings. This includes handling and parsing of common data types, text, JSON, CSV, binary data and multi-part content, forms, etc. Encoding can be easily extended in external libraries.
Use Autofac as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
Log message by using Serilog
Comparer extensions for System Interactive (Ix).
Use SimpleInjector as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
Discore is a light-weight .NET library for creating Discord bots. Please note: Discore is not an official Discord client library!
A library for accessing Atlassians Jira from .NET
Repository pattern for MongoDB
Can be used to parse and evaluate simple calculation or boolean expressions. target for NLog
Eto.Xaml allows you to load xaml UI definitions for the Eto.Forms framework To get more information about how to get started, read the wiki:
SimpleSitemap is a lite library that helps you create web sitemaps for collections or lists of items. These sitemaps follow the Sitemap Protocol. Both sitemapindex and urlset links are generated, based upon the data collection size and 'page size'. Examples of this could be a list of your users, ...
Replaces the DataContractJsonSerializer that Insight.Database uses with Newtonsoft.Json (JSON.NET).
This old package just forwards to Nito.Comparers.
A continuation of Juergen1969's Siemens communication library.