Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

sqlsugar和EFcore读写分离<OpenDbContext>(options => options.UseMySql(Configuration["ConnectionStrings:MySQL"])); 2. services.AddSqlSugarService(() => { return new BaseQueryConfig { ConnectionString = Configuration["ConnectionStrings:MySQL"], ...
Stream cache implementation of Contoso.Extensions.Caching.Stream.IStreamCache using Memory.
Caching abstractions for stream cache.
Package Description
DataTable Service Features * Methods: ToDataTable * Takes IEnumable of T and converts it into a DataTable * Handles nested interfaces, and anonymous enumerables * VaildData Types Include: Primitive, Value, String, and ByteArrays * Throws on invaild Enums *...
Main library package for Clinia.MultiTenant
Goova electronic billing gateway client library
Paquete de soporte para mensajeria asincrona con RabbitMQ y Event Sourcing con MediatR
Library for RabbitMQ communication
Create and manage FedEx Shipment
Abp Vnext 分布式缓存组件 1.去除多租户依赖 2.移除自动Key前缀添加
Includes generic and non generic extension methods: 1- dependency injection 2- Post Helper methods 3- Authentication for dummies like me
Package Description
A Integration Tests Service Features * SetupTests, RunTests, GenerateLog, GenerateTRXReport, GenerateZip and SaveResultsToDatabase * A simple method runner using reflection
Url Shortening
Olekstra "Oksana" protocol class library
Helpers to generate and authenticate URLs with expiring hashcodes
SimpleCaptcha是一个使用简单,基于.Net Standard 2.0的图形验证码模块。