Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

Package Description
Designed to help track events and heartbeats.
发送邮件服务 startup类添加配置: services.AddEmail(info => { info.Host = ""; info.Post = 587; info.FromName = "发送者用户名"; info.FromAddress = "发送者地址"; info.FromPassword = "发送者密码(授权码)"; }); 然后注入:IEmai...
MongoDB Distributed Cache For .net Core 3.1, session management for .net core
Pack of 7 Australia - SharePoint
Provides JWT token and Cryptography features
Send email with using SendGrid
Package Description
Provides email functionality using MailKit
只连接sqlsugar数据库 services.AddSqlSugarService(() => { return new BaseQueryConfig { ConnectionString = connection, DbType = SqlSugar.DbType.MySql }; });
Account Proxy Service utlizing durable rest. Methods * CreateUserAccountAsync * CreateAdminAccountAsync * LoginAsync * LogAsync * UserAuthorizedAsync * AdminAuthorizedAsync * RefreshTokensAsync * UpdateEmailPreferenceAsync * UpdateEmailPre...
Cloudburst Microservice Toolkit: Expanded configuration including Consul KeyValue configuration provider
Coaster Proxy Service utlizing durable rest. Methods * CreateAsync * PublishAsync * UpdateAsync * LogAsync * UserAuthorizedAsync * FetchCoastersAsync * FetchCoasterByIdAsync * FetchCoasterByTokenAsync * DeleteCoasterAsync Features ...
Administration Proxy Service utlizing durable rest. Methods * AdminAuthorizedAsync * LogAsync * TelemetryQueryAsync Features * Polciy based retrys and timeouts. * Logs for all successful and exceptional runs * Telemetry for all calls
Es un contenedor que maneja el envío de notificaciones vía correo electrónico (Mailkit, NetMail) y/o websocket.