Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

FileSystemAbstraction provides a filesystem abstraction layer. Inspired by Gaufrette (PHP) : The filesystem abstraction layer permits you to develop your application without the need to know were all those medias will be stored and how. Another advantage of this is the possibility to update the fi...
Package Description
CodeZero is a set of common implementations to help you implementing Clean Architecture, DDD, CQRS, Specification Patterns and another facilities for new modern web applications is an open-source project written in .NET Core.
ASP.NET Core middleware for fluently configuring response headers
Featurify is a package that provides the ability to selectively show features without the need for a new release. It specifically targets user specific features and leverages the DI framework to identify the metada and the user, instead of using application settings.
.Net Core扩展库
Package Description
ASP.NET Core correlation ID middleware which provides a correlation ID header and DI Context.
ASP.NET Core Client (Application) ID middleware which parses a client ID header and DI Context.
A middleware for counting the number of visitors written in .net core 2+.
Changer is a client for interacting with the Changer service.
DistributedCiscuitBreaker is a .NET Library that allows developers to wrap execution of a task to be controlled by a circuit breaker.