Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

ASP.NET Core QoS is a set of high-performance and highly customizable middlewares that allow to set different limits on requests (quotas, rates, concurrency,...).
ASP.NET Core QoS is a set of high-performance and highly customizable middlewares that allow to set different limits on requests (quotas, rates, concurrency,...).
ASP.NET Core QoS is a set of high-performance and highly customizable middlewares that allow to set different limits on requests (quotas, rates, concurrency,...).
A .net core client for Chase Paymentech Orbital XML API version 8.0.0
RabbitMQ logger provider for the Microsoft Extensions Logging framework
This package helps you connect to RavenDb database.
Package Description
Repository pattern for the official .NET Core MongoDB driver and configured with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
With use library (File manager) can save, delete, rename files or directories for web applications by network path.
Package Description
Zero file logger common lib.
model classes for cloudscribe Membership Paywall
Client-side adapter to access the Evelyn REST API
Core functionality for Evelyn clients
Provides an 'Azure Blob Storage' filesystem abstraction layer to FileSystemAbstraction.
This is the base package for AuthAPI. Contains the base AuthAPI stuff and a HttpClientHandler to integrate easily with HttpClient. This API auth works by generating a hash consisting of: client id, identifier (random GUID), request count (to prevent replay attacks), username, password (could be anyt...
ASP.NET Core basic middleware for supporting HTTP method overrides. Includes: * X-Forwarded-* headers to forward headers from a proxy.