Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

Software Pioniere Fx Event Store Library
It providers basic feautures for application devlop. There are Module/Feature, IOC and Object Mapper. IoC is implemented by Autofac. Object Mapper is implemented by AutoMapper.
ASP.NET 5 web socket middleware for use on top of opaque servers.
ASP.NET Core Error Logging Middleware (ELM) to capture and display request logs.
Package Description
simple use the httpclient
.Net Core 2 Dependency Injection Service Wrapper for CheddarGetter API. Extended and updated John Siladie's C# API Wrapper for CheddarGetter (
dependency reject for features.
Simple .NET Core SMTP Mail Library
Package Description
Core messaging components for ASP.NET SignalR.
HttpClient for DigitService api
With use library (File manager) can save, delete, rename files or directories for web applications by network path.
In Memory Cache Implementation of Second Layer Entity Framework Cache refrenced by
Provides a 'Local' filesystem abstraction layer to FileSystemAbstraction.