Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

.Net Enterprise library
IBatisNet.DataMapper updating with Castle integration.
A library of classes to help you build a simple CLI application. Built from version
The IOC installer of ServiceAnt for Castle
A base class library that allows two different databases to have identical structures.
A class library that allows two different SQL Server databases to have identical structures.
Rapid Framework to create C# WinFrom application with EF6 and Metroframework UI
Castle Windsor bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.
Autofac extension methods facilitating MeasureIt functionality.
Castle Windsor bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
Castle Windsor boostrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
Integration support for Castle Windsor in to NRules.
Framework for scalable and productive automated testing.
Framework for scalable and productive automated web UI testing.
ServiceBridge implementation for Castle Windsor.
This library integrate ServiceBridge with MassActivation for Castle Windsor implementation.
ServiceBridge.Interception implementation for Castle Windsor.