Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

Library for Authenticating with Facebook OAuth and populating the Profile object with information from the user's open graph. It is designed to work with FormsAuthentication, it will create users and populate their profile when they log in & authorise your application. For more detailed instruct...
This package is for class libraries that implement worker services or subscribers. Roque is a queueing framework. Allows you to create Redis-based distributed async event and work queues by just using plain-old C# methods and events.
A collection of things implemented in a common library. Named for our development team.
IServiceCollection validator
Based on the application framework developed by .Net Standard, it is committed to rapid development, standardization of some standards, and so on.
use for .net framework 4.6
.NET Standard RabbitMQ Client with Connection Pool, Channel Pool, Class-Driven Events, Consumers Registrator, SSL/TLS Support, and HTTP API.
Sentez Technology Development Team
Graph-algorithms used by other Nordril-libraries.
AliOss With .Net
EasyMoq is a lightweight library for minimizing the mocking overhead of writing of tests.
A plugin for validating all of the dependencies of a given Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer.
MongoDbContext enables .NET developers to work with a MongoDb database using .NET objects.