Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

UniMock is a auto-mocking tool that automatically mocks the entire universe and lets you concentrate on writing clean, fast, efficient tests with the minimum of overhead. It allows you to use your choice of mocking/stubbing tool and IoC container.
A framework designed for WPF and Silverlight which implements a variety of UI patterns including MVVM (Presentation Model), MVP and MVC. Caliburn is a legacy framework maintained to support existing apps. Future development is focused on Caliburn.Micro.
An ActiveRecord pattern implementation for POCOs using NHibernate with emphasize on testability.
An implementation of System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver targeting Castle.Windsor
Fluent registration and conventions for windsor
Asp.Net MVC2 sample artifacts for IoC integration with Castle.Windsor. Created by Jose F. Romaniello (@jfroma).
An adapter to implement DContainer on top of Castle Windsor
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro using Windsor
Castle Windsor support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
A pack of extension methods which improves your coding experience while using Castle.Windsor IoC-container
Validation Classes using Castle Windsor
Idecom host CastleWindsor integration
Unofficial Microsoft Code Contracts for Castle Windsor.
Ce package installe les librairies requises pour émettre ou recevoir des notifications ou des évènements sur le bus de messagerie.
Castle Windsor IoC container support for Simple.Web.
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Castle Windsor
Integration plugin for CastleWindsor framework.
A plugin for validating all of the dependencies of a given Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer.