Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

Isla.Testing offers testing niceness built on Castle Winsor
the proxy class collection
The CastleWindsor Container for the Dapper.Extensions.Linq.
Logging of method's executions in aspect approach for types registered in Windsor container
Just another library to contribute to castle windsor
LancheProject 关系数据库访问
LancheProject Rabbitmq
LancheProject 核心
This is a helper to make DI easier with castle windsor and MVC5.
Extensions to the base Container4AspNet framework to enable configuration of Castle Windsor.
Asp.Net MVC specific configuration of Container4AspNet using Castle Windsor.
Asp.Net WebApi specific configuration of Container4AspNet using Castle Windsor.
Utilities and helper classes for simplifying configuration of Asp.Net WebApi using Castle Windsor.
Castle Windsor extensions for Nimbus.
基于Castle实现IOC/AOP功能 - 基础开发服务框架