Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

CodeCop Setup Castle.Windsor container adapter
Castle Windsor installer for the Jal.Validator library
Castle Windsor bootstrapper class using the Jal.Bootstrapper library
Quokka is a library for building rich client applications.
Little additions to CastleWindsor that I wouldn't ever leave the house without.
This is a fork of Glass.Mapper, maintained by Chris van de Steeg. The fork contains several fixes for codefirst and contentsearch usage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An ORM for Sitecore. Map item data from Sitecore straight onto objects. Al...
Integrate Castle windsor to Asp.Net WebApi.
Bailey.Web.Http provides a Windsor-based controller activator, a dependency resolver, and a dependency scope class for ASP.NET WebApi.
Bailey.Web.Mvc provides a Windsor-based controller factory and dependency resolver for ASP.NET MVC.
Bailey.Web.Security provides Castle-compatible adapters over the Membership and Role providers. These providers will allow you to use dependency injection in your custom provders, and can also be used with the default providers.
A Castle Windsor implementation of the IoC resolver used in Atlas.ServiceBus
Utilities and helper classes aimed at streamlining common Castle Windsor configuration needs.
Global filters for ASP.Net MVC2+ Windsor Adapter
Provides facility that allows transient listeners to handle messages.
MvcBlanket integration to Castle Windsor
Castle Windsor integration for xrc.
The WebApiContrib.IoC.CastleWindsor library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.