Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor

Total dependencies: 571

Radical Bootstrapper for Castle Windsor
Castle Windsor extensions for Nimbus.
A library for making logging super easy
Isla offers niceness built on Castle Winsor
Get up and running with a new ASP.Net WebAPI project quickly with this collection utilities for commonly used libraries.
A set of extensions that allow defining configuration properties in XML and registering your components in code using a custom properties resolver
Development kit for WEP API
Castle implementation for the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite
Package Description
Allows prism to make full use of Castle Windsor best of breed IoC
Formula.Core Power Tools - Shared set of tools to be used as a base dependency for all FormlaCoder applications. Some of the tools include: Configuration, Logging, Dependency Injection, Serialization, Security, Diagnostics and several general Utilities to make everyday development quicker and more p...